Controlled Wood
FSC controlled wood is timber-based forest material that has undergone a formal risk assessment process in line with FSC’s controlled wood standards, and has been found to be at a low risk of not meeting five of the most fundamental FSC principles.
Risk categories include:
- Illegally logged timber,
- Wood harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights,
- Wood from forest in which High Conservation values are threatened by management activities,
- Wood from forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use,
- Wood from forests, in which GM trees are planted.
Limited amounts of controlled wood can be included in FSC Mix products.
Forest Management companies that comply with the five FSC Controlled Wood criteria will be able to supply FSC Controlled Wood to FSC Chain of Custody operations. FSC Controlled Wood supports the production of FSC Mixed Sources by providing FSC certified companies with tools to control the non-FSC certified wood in their product groups to avoid the wood produced in socially and environmentally most damaging ways.
Contact us to know more about controlled wood, applicability and use of standards, and sourcing requirements.